Thursday 12 March 2020

Central America Song

The Central America Song
Vamos muchacho!
Central America
Central America
North of Columbia
South of America
And south of the United States lies the great country of Mexico
between the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico
And in the Gulf of Mexico lie Cuba and the Caribbean
Mexico City is enormous
More than 20 million
And to the south lie ….

(The chorus is sung 4 times.)
Guatemala. Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua,  Costa Rica and Panama
Mas rapido!
Guatemala. Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua,  Costa Rica and Panama
Mas rapido!
Guatemala. Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua,  Costa Rica and Panama
Mas rapido!
Guatemala. Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua,  Costa Rica and Panama
Mas rapido!


Connecting the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic  is the Panama Canal.
Yes, the Panama Canal!
So when the boats want to get across the Americas, they go through and not around,
Yes, through and not around
And, south of Mexico….
Guatemala. Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua,  Costa Rica and Panama

Tuesday 10 March 2020

In Class Assignment on Specialized Crops

Specialized Crops:  How do they plant, grow, harvest and process certain crops?
Various crops are grown for specific reasons such as building materials, clothing, medicine, food sources, and for aesthetics.  Here are a few examples: cork, hemp, aloe vera, cherries, and orchids.
Where is grown?
Why is this specialized crop valuable?
How is it planted, harvested and transported?
When is it planted or what season is it planted?

Who or what type of workers are needed?

Step 1:  Choose a plant, tree, fruit, root, vegetable or any product from vegetation.
Step 2:  Explain how the vegetation is planted and its stages of growth.
Step 3:  Tell us how the product is harvested.
Step 4: Indicate how the product is processed.
Step 5: Explain how it is transported and how it eventually arrives on your table.
You can use diagrams, short sentences, and arrows to indicate each step of this process.  Be sure to concentrate on a logical flow of ideas for the reader.
Artistic Style                                R          1          2          3          4
Content                                        R          1          2          3          4
Logical Sequence of Events          R          1          2          3          4
Editing                                          R          1          2          3          4
Presentation Skills                         R          1          2          3          4
(These involve the physical message or the following: eye contact, posture, enunciation, projection, volume, pace, and the avoidance of crutch words such as “umms” or “aaahs”.
*This will be done in a poster format and the work must be done by hand.  Do not cut and paste images or copy and paste information from the internet.  You must paraphrase or rewrite the information in your own words. Be sure to be clear and concise.   The project is done in assigned pairs and it must be completed in one class.*

Friday 6 March 2020

Tour of the States Lyrics

Places...I’ve never been, yeah!
Going on a tour …without a care.
I want…to take a little trip somewhere, yeah!
Places…I’ve never been, yeah!
Going…on a tour….tour…tour.

First, I’m gonna’ see Nashville, Tennessee, then Madison, Wisconsin, is where I gotta be.
Then I’ll take a plane
Well, actually I’m afraid to fly, so I think I’ll take a train
Let’s go!

Going to Trenton, New Jersey;
Frankfurt, Kentucky;
Maybe take a trip to Jackson, Mississippi;
Let’s see what they can show me in Jefferson City, Missouri;
Santa Fe, New Mexico;
Denver, Colorado;
Boise, Idaho;
I love it every time that I go.
In 1492, he sailed the ocean blue, but next week I’ll see Columbus in Ohio.

Grab a little sunshine in Tallahassee, Florida;
Take a bite out a peach in Atlanta, Georgia
I’ve never been to Carson City, in Nevada or Lincoln, Nebraska;
You can catch me in Phoenix, Arizona or Sacramento, California, yeah,
St. Paul, Minnesota, maybe Juneau, Alaska, yeah!

Friends say I gotta come sooner to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

I want … to take a little trip somewhere.
Places...I’ve never been, yeah!
Going on a tour …without a care.
I want…to take a little trip somewhere, yeah!
Places…I’ve never been, yeah!
Going…on a tour….tour…tour.

Boston, Massachusetts;
Concord, New Hampshire;
Going to Vermont for Montpelier;
 Montgomery, Alabama; then Washington, D.C., to see the nation’s capital;
Aloha to Honolulu, Hawaii;
Des Moines, Iowa, so peaceful to me ;
Going to Springfield, Illinois, to build a little house on a prairie.
In Little Rock, Arkansas, I love what I saw;
Going back to Dover, Delaware;
‘Cause I want more Indianapolis, Indiana;
And Hartford, Connecticut, need an encore
Smelling pine trees in Augusta, Main;
I like Topeka, Kansas;
I’m glad that I can
But I’ve never been to Salt Lake City, in the Utah or Richmond, Virginia;

Going to see Bismarck, North Dakota,
And Charleston, West Virginia;
Yeah, Annapolis, Maryland, maybe Lansing, Michigan;
Yeah,  Helena, Montana;
Columbia, South Carolina;
Got to go to Pierre, South Dakota;
Yeah, follow, if wanna;
I’ll be eating a banana in Baton Rouge, Louisiana;
Schedule that for my planner.

Friends say I gotta come sooner to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma;
So, I guess I’m gonna…
But, first, I’m going to Cheyenne, Wyoming;
Then, party in Raleigh, North Carolina;
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania;
Can’t think of a rhyme for Pennsylvania.                      

So, I’m skipping to Salem, Oregon, then Austin, Texas;
And then, maybe Albany, New York for breakfast;
Providence, Rhode Island, was a blast, and Olympia, Washington, was just the “best-est”!

I want … to take a little trip somewhere.
Places...I’ve never been, yeah!
Going on a tour …without a care.
I want…to take a little trip somewhere, yeah!
Places…I’ve never been, yeah!
Going…on a tour….tour…tour.

Monday 2 March 2020


1. Wind Patterns
2. Ocean Currents
3. Bodies of Water 
4. Latitude 
5. Altitude
6. Mountain Barriers
7. Air Masses

1. Wind Systems

Water or land will heat up certain parts of the Earth because the rays of the sun have shone more directly.   Heated air rises and then it expands.  Cool air lowers or slides underneath the warm air.  These are known as convection currents.   The Earth rotates and there is more land in the Northern hemisphere.  The Coriolis force or the rotation of the Earth from west to east makes the winds spin clockwise in the North and counter clockwise to the South.  Prevailing winds is a fancy name for wind patterns.

2.  Ocean Currents
Cold Arctic water in the North moves downward to the warmer equatorial regions of the South or the equator.  This creates a clockwise conveyor belt movement in the North and a counter clockwise movement in the South.  The warm water of the Gulf of Mexico moves up along the Atlantic to England.  This known as the North Atlantic Drift and both ships and sea life can hitch a ride on this movement. The worse fear is that with Global Warming the conveyor belt could slow down.

3.  (Water Bodies) Bodies of Water
The larger the body of water or the larger the amount of water means that it has a higher heat capacity or takes longer to heat or cool.  In the winter, when the ground is frozen the large lake is warmer and above zero.  In the summer, the land heats up quickly and the water does not, so the land is warmer and the lake is cooler.  For Torontonians, Lake Ontario heats us up in the winter and cools us down in the summer. 

4. Latitude
The horizontal lines that run west to east and vice versa are imaginary.  The equator is 0 degrees and the further north you go the latitude measurement increases.  The further south you go the latitude measurement also increases. The sun is more direct at the equator and therefore that area is warmer.  Because of the tilt, at one time, the top or the bottom receive more direct light.

5. Altitude

This is how tall or how high something is above sea level.  The higher you are the air molecules are spread apart and more energy is required to make them collide or warm up.  The lower you are, the closer the air molecules are and it is easier for the sun to heat up or make the molecules collide.  For every I km, there is a 6 centigrade degree drop.

6. Mountain Barriers
Warm and moist winds from the ocean go up the mountain on the windward side.  Here is where the cooler air with moisture is released in the form of precipitation in either rain or snow.  The descending air lacks moisture and it slowly warms.  The wet side is the windward and the dry side is the leeward side.

7. Air Masses

Huge volumes of air moving exist  because of the unequal heating of the Earth by the sun are called air masses.  Each air mass has the same temperature and moisture level. If it is formed over an arctic area it will be very cold whereas if it is formed over a tropical area it will be very hot.

* A jet stream is equivalent to a "river of air" that exists high in the atmosphere.  It too affects weather and flight patterns.

Friday 28 February 2020

7C must review their South American countries, colour their map on Central America and the Caribbean, and have their notes completed on the factors that influence climate.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

7C will write their history quiz on Upper and Lower Canada, tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 19 February 2020